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The last 18 years modeling has been a wild ride and I've got lots of stories to share with you. I've learnt a lot along the way that I hope will inspire and motivate you. So if you're interested in fashion, family, investing, brand building, social media and to have a good giggle, grab a seat and your fave cup of stuff and lets dive right in - so happy you're here lovely


the latest

Have you started your digital spring cleaning?

Spring cleaning is not only for physical spaces like your home. It's also important to clean up digital spaces! So what is there to clean up? 🌼 Bookmarks Create folders! Something as simple as “Work”, “Personal Project”, “Articles to Read”, and “Shopping” can help you sort through all the bookmarks so that they’re easy to [...]

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Self love is not just a concept, but a practice that requires intention and effort. In today’s fast-paced world, it can be easy to neglect our mental health and wellbeing. Thankfully, technology has made it easier for us to prioritize self love through various apps: here are five to try out this month to help […]

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Last Saturday, we held Bullet Journaling 101: Bujo Basics and it was a huge success! We loved meeting part of our Austin community and making new friends while learning how to creatively design bullet journal spreads. For those who are unfamiliar with bullet journaling, it is a flexible and customizable journaling system that helps individuals […]

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Today, going digital in almost every aspect of our lives makes sense – whether that’s music, taking photos, or sending messages. But some things, such as planning or note taking, are still debatable. Which planner is better: physical or digital? Every person as different needs, but here we share some of the benefits of a physical […]

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This is the time of year when everyone is setting ambitious goals but might not be achieving some of them. To increase your chances for a year full of growth and success, keep these 5 common goal setting mistakes in mind: Mistake #1: Not tracking progressMake sure to use habit trackers and write down your weekly wins. Mistake […]

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If you’ve never heard of the Pomodoro Technique, try it out now that you’re back to work after the holidays, and see if it helps you stay more focused and overall more productive! How it works: One of the hardest parts of getting stuff done is simply getting started. This method offers you a small 25 minute time […]

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You might’ve heard that the optimal number of goals to set is 2-3. You’ve definitely never heard of anyone tell you to set 12 goals at the beginning of the year because, well, chances are it will be *very* hard to successfully tackle 12 goals at once. But what if you really do have more […]

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My goal is to give you value in each and every email - honestly email doesn't even feel right it's more of a love note - filled with advice, support and life updates that'll make you smile
Talk soon! xoxo

Forget the junk - be part of a community that wants to show up and be of service.


Where my community began and my career took off. Hopefully I can bring some stop and smile to your scrolling
